Yes, I crave salads for a while thanks to all these meals in Paris. This is
Lisa's boyfriend's place so of course we had to check it out. The food was very good and pricing is also very good, especially for Paris. We were actually so full from all week that we didn't have dessert. Which is blasphemous! Sorry for the low light images.
Bistro Urbain
103 Rue du Faubourg-Saint-Denis 75010 Paris
Foie gras du Bistro Urbain
Quenelles de brochet sauce Nantua
Soupe de poissons et aioli
Poitrine de porc glaçée au soja-miel, écrasé de brocolis
Foie gras Urban Bistro
Pike quenelle with Nantua sauce
Fish soup and aioli
Chilled pork belly with soy-honey, mashed broccoli
<3 <3 <3