
Alpacas. Glen Ellen. California. 3.23.2012.

In continuation of my birthday celebrations, Eva took me up to Yountville where we had a 3 hour lunch at Bouchon. Then we proceeded to go looking for alpacas or llamas (my obsession). No llamas yet, but I got to meet some alpacas. I leapt out of the car when I saw them and they were very curious about me and came down to meet me. The first one there with a flower is Rosita. How sweet are they?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for your visit. We schedule farm visits by appointment. Call or email www.brookfarmalpaca.com
    You got some great photos of the alpacas. That is Rosina with th flower. The second picture is a grou of young females
    Vittel is in the third picture, a young female with exquisite fawn colored fleece. And the last is Beatrice, another young female with yummy brown fiber.
